Mission & Vision

We exist to bring Christ to our city and to bring our city to saving faith in Christ.


  • In a post-Christian culture, we aim to proclaim Christ and Him crucified. Our neighbors don’t need truisms and platitudes. They need the truth and peace with God. The only way they will get these things is through the faithful and unashamed preaching of the gospel—justification by grace through faith in Christ alone.

  • We strive to center our fellowship on three things: worship, discipleship, and evangelism. While we believe programs can be beneficial, we are also convinced that they also have the potential to distract from the central goal of the evangelization of Kansas City’s River District. With this in mind, our expression of biblical simplicity is found in giving our attention to 1) the service of worship on the Lord’s Day and 2) gathering with our Missional Communities throughout the week. In the former, discipleship primarily occurs. In the latter, both discipleship and evangelism take place.

  • Our Lord modeled radical hospitality for us in the Incarnation. Although He is far more than our example, He is no less. As such, we seek to reflect Christ’s hospitality in welcoming our neighbors into our lives and homes. We strive to create a culture in which each member and family are in the habit of setting aside a portion of their resources to meet the practical needs of their neighbor. In so doing, we believe unique opportunities will be created to not only show the gospel in deed but to share it in word as well.